La parure Délicate

Ravie ou remboursée


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Notre parure l'heure dorée est si délicate, élégante et féminine. Ce mélange précieux entre le métal scintillant et les cabochons nacrés la rend unique. C'est le cadeau parfait. ( DLP6, DLPB2 et DLPC2)

L'heure dorée

The pieces of this collection sparkle on the skin like a warm ray of sunshine: don't be scared to shine, and to be absolutely feminine. L'heure Dorée (The Golden Hour) also is a collection full of doves: for the 30 years anniversary of the brand, we wanted to invade the world with women, and through them to invade it with doves. By wearing this collection, we make this precious and magic moment, the Golden hour, that only lasts for a fews moments, indefinitely.